I do Believe! I am Alive!

For this Blog article, my mind has brought me back to a very emotional moment, whose details can be found in my book “Qui e Ora” (Right Here, Right Now) (page 208/209).

Some years ago I was coming back from a training course and I experience something which me realized how important the present moment can be. I was my a dear friend of mine, all at once there was a light in the darkness, terrible instants for very risky car accident, which fortunately left us unwounded. I was there in the cold night, on the street, not afraid but strongly aware of one new certainty: make yourself the centre of your life, not for what you do, but for who you are. Over the past years I had experience something similar but to me they were a kind of challenge against death, I had always been the winner. It was a thrill like a Russian roulette, the half-presumption of immortality. This time it was different…it was a sign!

For this reason I decided not to be content with my life so far, I wanted my experiences to be shared with most people as possible, helping them to take a real chance to value their life once again, starting from themselves. To reach this goal, I deepened my knowledge, with alternative methods for my personal development: I believe that the best way to change the world is changing oneself. Only if you’re totally aware of yourself you can be there to make a difference.

I do believe that everything I made in my life lead me to be ready “Right here and Right Now”, ready do share my uniqueness with other uniqueness in the universe, to increase the awareness and to work together to make the world a better place.

“Referral Marketing”, in Italy know as “passaparola” (by-word), is the field I channelled my utmost attention: every collaborative and working experience starts from the person, the centre of every relation.

As a BNI Executive Director (Business Network International) and Trainer and Coach of Asentiv I meet new people every week, thus enlarging my network of contacts. It’s the relation quality, not quantity, which makes a difference and this helps us feeling a unique social network kick-starting the relation starting from the knowledge.

I am Alive! I Do Believe! I resolved to give all myself to people in need, with the smile of a child giving out without expecting nothing back, according to the Givers Gain philosophy, but also as a mature man with a deep insight in today’s Business in Italy and abroad. I do so I can only tell what I really do, using real words experienced in favour of the community.


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